
Ebook “Building Montessori Schools to Last”

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Lead Montessori 2019 is over and we’re already thinking about the program for next year.

This year’s conference was a big milestone for us, and we’re planning to make Lead Montessori an annual event where leaders of the schools can meet, share some ideas, gain inspiration, and simply Be for a while.

We really loved that you were there with us this year. Even if not present at Lead Montessori 2019, we knew you were there for us.

And this is why we wanted something to stay in the memory, and be accessible in any part of the World. Sending files with presentations didn’t seem enough to us, and so we’ve decided to capture the essence of Lead Montessori 2019 in the most accessible form that we could imagine at the moment – Ebook.

There were many concepts, many days of work, creating – changing – deleting – starting all over again. There were many typos, then a bit less, then even less. We hope that if any typos will still be found in the ebook, they will be the sweetest typos for you, and you will smile at them and think of us, a team of people working on Lead Montessori FOR YOU.

We’re working, learning, trying, changing, transforming – FOR YOU. And together with you. This is a very important part of the message – our collaboration and strong connection.

By being together we get the support.

By making mistakes we learn.

By overcoming difficulties we get stronger and smarter.

By simply being here and now we make this World what it is.

By doing small steps and taking care of what matters we transform this World and help the growth.

We really hope that this small step we took to create this ebook will serve the big mission that we see in front of us.

And we do hope that you will like it and will be a part of many more projects on Lead Montessori.

Thank you for being our biggest supporters and friends!

And THANK YOU for Lead Montessori. It’s You who makes it all real. Thank you for this!


With much love and warm wishes for the upcoming holidays,

Miroslava Vlčková  and  Team Lead Montessori


To download the ebook, please follow This Link.