


Addressing today's burning needs of the World's Montessori Community.

What topics can you cover?

What will becoming a speaker at the conference mean for you?

You will be able to let the world know about what you are doing.

You will build your professional network.

You will create new contacts.

You will feel that you are an active part of today's Montessori ecosystem which is shaping the Montessori of tomorrow.

You will engage in and experience learning with your colleagues and friends.

You will have a valuable experience with the onlince congerence format

What are we hoping you will want to do?

  • Address topics relevant to one of the target groups of the conference.
  • Discuss actual, current and burning needs of the Montessori global community.
  • Provide practical tools and tips for immediate positive change in Montessori practice.
  • Help us build diversity, equity and inclusion in Montessori.

How can you deliver your content?

Your proposal will be carefully evaluated and may be accepted for any of the following formats:

Conference Workshop

Workshops will provide participants with a deeper examination of various topics, facilitated by leaders with extensive experience in those areas. Workshops should be highly interactive and give participants the chance to discuss in-depth approaches to challenges they are facing, share solutions, and learn strategies. These workshops are considered a professional learning and career development offering and, as such, require learning outcomes. Maximum of four instructors. 45 minutes, plus 30 minute Q&A following.

Facilitated Community Discussion

These discussion sessions are opportunities for participants to share challenges and solutions through conversational exchange. By actively engaging audience participants in dialogue about hot topics or broad issues, presenters of these sessions will rely on the collective community experience among session attendees. There is no room for "sage on the stage" in a facilitated discussion session; this is a chance to have organic, topically relevant, peer-to-peer learning experiences. Maximum of two facilitators. 45 minutes, with a 30 minute introduction circle for participants to get to know each other. 

Interactive Presentation

These sessions are opportunities to share topics of interest, lesson learned, foresight, or evidence of impact related to a conference tracks. Presenters, whether one person or a group, should include ways to actively engage the audience in the session, either digitally or in person. Sessions should cover a project, idea, or experience that is important to the LM community. Innovative, thought-provoking, and engaging topics will be prioritized in the selection process. Maximum of four presenters. 45 minutes, with a 30 minute introduction circle for participants to get to know each other. 

Flash Sessions

Flash Sessions are small but mighty program components designed for presenters to communicate an insightful message in under seven minutes. This short form challenges presenters to connect with an audience and convey key information in a succinct way. We may employ a short form methodology like slides automatically advancing every 20 seconds. Complimentary training/coaching will be offered to all flash session presenters. Maximum of two presenters. 7 minutes approximately, plus the opportunity to share your presentation with conference participants in the conference reminiscing e-book.